

Brazil Open

Chile's Gustavo Cortez wins by three strokes

Just two weeks ago, Gustavo Cortez (Chile) was the leading non Japanese player at the Japanese Open. Now, two weeks later Gustavo won the inaugural Brazil Open (on the other side of the world) at Sitio Saô Luiz. Gustavo fired 57 on Sunday to post a 36 hole aggregate of 119, which was three strokes clear of first round leader Alex Lemes (Brazil) who matched his Saturday score of 61 in the final round. Paolo Jovane (Brazil) scored 125 to finish third. Ladies champion was Susana Wozniak (Argentina), who totalled 160 to 176 for her Argentinian colleague Amanda Speranza.

Full scores here. Coverage in Barzilian press here View video here

Alex Lemes (Brazil) scored an opening round of 61 to lead at the halfway stage Alex was ahead by just a single stroke from Gustavo Cortez (Chile). Paolo Jovane (Brazil) was next with 64 while Fernando Morgado (Chile) was on 66. Argentina's Susana Wozniak carded 84 to be the ladies category leader, eleven clear of compatriot Amanda Speranza.

Live streaming will be available here 

Video of support from FIPPA President Victor Moscatel here. Message of support from FIPPA Board Member Francesc Solé (FIPPA President's envoy to South America) here

Attached is the programme of the First Brazilian Pitch & Putt Open. Spanish: Adjuntamos el programa del Primer OPEN de Pitch & Putt que ha sido enviado por el comité Organizador de  Sitio Saô Luiz.  Portuguese: Anexamos o programa do Primeiro Pitch & Putt OPEN que foi enviado pelo Organizador do Site Saò Luiz

See image below for Course Card and Map for the Sitio Saó Luiz course.

Register here  Current list of entries here
Detailed information is here and has been sent directly to the emails of those who have registered
Brazil has joined the South American circuit of Pitch and Putt and is in the process of making an application to join FIPPA.

The President of the Chilean Pitch and Putt Federation, Patricio Rubel travelled to Brazil to visit the Sitio Sao Luiz course. Patricio met with owner Luiz Antonio Daudt and his team. The FChPP has been in contact with Luiz with the intention of having a promotional Brazilian Pitch and Putt Open on this course, with the support of FIPPA.

After the agreements adopted in Porto Alegre by the President of the Chilean Pitch & Putt Federation and also the representative of FIPPA for South America, the promotional Brazil Pitch and Putt Open will be held on 30th and 31st March 2019

Sitio Saô Luiz is located 16 km. from the town of Sao Leopoldo, which has a population close to 220,000 inhabitants. 

The First Open Host course renovated the greens, prepared regulatory norms and everything necessary to meet the requirements of an Open.



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Happy Easter


Brazil Promotional Open and Peru meetings

Potential new members for FIPPA