

WPPT Ireland

Damian Creevey (Ireland) wins on -23

The World Pitch & Putt Tour Ireland Masters took place on October 13th to 15th, 2023, at  Ring Commons near Dublin.

Damian Creevy (Ireland) shot a 49 final round on Sunday to win with a 54 hole aggregate of 139. Pilar Montero (Catalonia) captured the ladies title on 179 while Tadhg Harrington (Ireland) was best in the over 55 category, shooting 50 on Sunday for 145 overall . Second place overall went to Denis O'Sullivan (Ireland) who scored 48 on Sunday to the 49 of Ian Dillon (Ireland) after they both finished on 144. Second in ladies was Ireland's Sarah O'Neill with fellow Irish player Patsy Quinlan third. Tadhg Harrington's colleagues Anthony Malone and John McDermott were second and third respectively in the seniors' category.

20 players completed their opening 36 holes on Friday while the remainder of the field played on Saturday. Damian Creevey (Ireland) shot a brilliant second of 43 and led into the final round on eighteen under par 90. Ireland's Tadhg Harrington  scored 50 and 45 for an impressive 13 under par 36-hole tally of 95 on Friday, which was tied for second with Ian Dillon (Ireland) who posted 47+48 on Saturday.

36 hole scores.                                                   Tee times for Sunday.

Entry list here

Card of course is in the furth image document attached.

Full details are in this link

Attached are the event poster, accommodation offer, official travel agency poster, and raffle poster for WPPT Ireland Masters players.

Any questions can be directed by email to or by phone at +0034 687 55 25 05.


Muy buenos días,

desde el World Pitch & Putt Tour queremos anunciaros la apertura para las inscripciones de los jugadores en el master de Irlanda que se realizará, los próximos días 13-15 de octubre del 2023, en el complejo deportivo y P&P Ring Commons.

Adjuntamos el cartel del evento, la oferta de alojamiento, el cartel de la agencia de viajes oficial y el cartel del sorteo para los jugadores del Master de Irlanda.

Para cualquier duda os podéis poner en contacto conmigo mediante el mail o por teléfono al número +0034 687 55 25 05


Molt bon dia,

des del World Pitch & Putt Tour volem anunciar-vos l’obertura per a les inscripcions dels jugadors en el Màster d’ Irlanda que es realitzarà els propers dies 13 a 15 d’ octubre del 2023, al complex esportiu i P&P Ring Commons.

Adjuntem el cartell de l'esdeveniment, l'oferta d'allotjament, el cartell de l'agència de viatges oficial i el cartell del sorteig pels jugadors del Màster d'Irlanda.

Per a qualsevol dubte us podeu posar en contacte amb mi mitjançant el mail o per telèfon al numero +0034 687 55 25 05  



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