
  Profile of FIPPA Vice President Myles McMorrow

Vice President of EPPA and FIPPA since 2010, Myles McMorrow first took up the sport of Pitch and Putt in 1979.

“My club, Lakeside in Templemore, was about to rise phoenix-like from the ashes! Myself and our first President, Charlie O'Brien were employed to go out and find the greens first, then cut them and get the club going again. After a few months at that, I developed an interest in Pitch and Putt and I joined up. Of course, when you joined a club like Lakeside, you were invariably brought into administration fairly rapidly.

A native of Co. Leitrim, Myles was elected Vice Chairman of the Club in 1982, a position he held until 1988. Myles was proud to be Chairman in 1989 when Lakeside hosted the All Ireland Matchplay championship. He also served as Club Captain and Competitions Secretary

By his own admission more comfortable as an administrator than a player, Myles did win the 2000 Tipperary County Junior Grade Strokeplay championship, his second victory in that event.

Elected National Vice President at 1997 Convention in the Grand Hotel Tramore, Myles can boast 25 years unbroken service on the Pitch and Putt Ireland National Executive Council, which is a new record, exceeding the 24 years of Peg Smith (1977-2001).

Myles was first elected to Tipperary County Board in 1987 and was Secretary of that body between 1987 and 1989. Myles was Chairman of the Tipperary County in 1989 and for many years subsequently. Very successful local competitions, first-class publicity, worthwhile sponsorship and some marvellous victories on the course by Tipperary teams were features of Myles’ tenure as County Chairman.

His first role at provincial level was Munster Council PRO in 1991. He became Munster Treasurer in 1992, Vice President in 1993 before being elected Munster Council President at 1995 Convention, a title he held for four years.

Myles wants Pitch and Putt to be played at all times in an honourable and sporting manner and he looks forward to the game receiving the widest possible media coverage and no longer be regarded as a minority sport.

Having successfully managed Ireland’s victorious 2001 European Team championship squad at Lloret, Myles is deeply committed to the international aspect of our sport. I'm very much in favour of international development. We can talk all we like about improving our game, of developing our game but one can only develop so much within one's own shell and if you don't break out of it, you're going nowhere. I believe that somewhere down the road, regular and intensely competitive international competition is going to become a reality. We're in there at the grassroots of it. We have most to offer at the moment as regards ability and knowledge. I think that if Pitch and Putt is to develop and become a televised sport, which is probably what everyone is talking about, and I know only too well how difficult it is to break into that particular aspect of the media, we must develop internationally. And we are progressing slowly but in the right direction.”

Myles was afforded a Civic Reception in Clonmel in 2000 honouring his first Pitch and Putt Union of Ireland Presidency. He adopts a sensible and realistic approach to all his administrative roles. “I consider myself a very practical human being. I consider myself a no-nonsense type of individual. I call a spade a spade. I strive as hard as I can to progress the game in every way possible. I definitely don't think I'll be seen to stymie the game in any way.” “Thriftiness is one of my strongest points as - I wouldn't be one to throw away money, I definitely think money should be used wisely, but I wouldn't be excessively thrifty at the expense of furthering our game.”

After spells as Vice President and Development Officer, Myles returned to the National Presidency in 2010 for a further three-year term. He is just one of five individuals who have ascended to the Presidency twice. He has also been National Competitions Co-Ordinator in Ireland and still has plenty of ambitions for our sport.

“I would like membership to increase. I would like competitions to be better supported. I suppose these are everybody's hopes. But I'm not one of those people who expect miracles. "Rome wasn't built in a day!" We are competing with a lot of sports that are getting more limelight and more coverage than we are. We are attacking on many fronts and hope that some of the initiatives bear fruit.”